We are pleased and excited to announce higher quality audio sermons are now available over at our sermons page! While we have been making sermons available online for quite some time now, the audio quality has been quite poor and made listening to them difficult. However, recently we have been blessed in being able to upgrade our recording technology and are now able to offer much improved audio files going forward. We apologise for the poorer quality of the earlier sermons and hope this upgrade makes it easier and more enjoyable to listen to the future preaching from CrossPoint Church.
This update comes just in time for our new sermon series on experiencing God himself as your safe place; your refuge. It is titled “Refuge: A Strong Tower Against the Enemy” and the first two sermons in the series are now available online!
(Note: While we hope this upgrade greatly improves your listening experience, if you do come across any technological difficulties with the sermons, please drop us a note at info@crosspointcairns.com and we will do our best to fix the problem.)